Call from Mike Angus

I got quite the surprise phone call today from Mike Angus. He was my bishop growing up as a young man in Ballard. He was released just before my mission and was then called to be the Young Men’s president so we still spent a lot of time together. He is in the stake presidency now. He was just calling to say how and learn what our family is up to. It was a such a surprise and a tender mercy.

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I am grateful for… Attending the performance coach dinner last night Rachel’s thoughtful Valentine’s gifts Tulips What will I do to make today great? Watch another Elite video training Record & post How it Works video Clean off my desk Daily power statement. (I am…) I am always open to learning new and better ways of doing things

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I am grateful for… Our home The Deems Allegiant Air What will I do to make today great? Clean off my desk Listen to 2 Elite Audios Complete 1 ticket Daily power statement. (I am…) I am a doer

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3 Amazing things that happened today… Packed for Disneyland! Posted How it Works video on how vacuum sealed flasks work. Attended HOA board meeting. I don’t feel sick anymore! How could I have made today even better? Got the house completely clean Lesson learned today… I keep too much junk in my backback.

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3 Amazing things that happened today… Fixed about 16,000 js formatting issues in our code. Fixed but with navigation issues in live events Ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes How could I have made today even better? I wrote a draft of our team mission statement. Lesson learned today…In order to take chaos and create order, I need to step up and be a leader.

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I am grateful for… Warm showers Warm blankets Warm clothing What will I do to make today great? Fix a routing bug at work Complete AM/PM tasks Update budget Daily power statement. (I am…) I can figure anything out given enough time and focus.

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3 Amazing things that happened today… Wrote unit tests for column sorting! Made progress on 3 other tickets. Printed out checklist of all the videos I need to watch and hung it on my wall. Copied the videos to my Google Drive so I can watch on my phone and tablet. How could I have made today even better? I didn’t feel sick at all. Lesson learned today… 7 is the number of perfection. I should stive to have 7 AM tasks and 7 PM...

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October 2024