We bout a bunch of flowers and bushes for our yard this morning so we spent the day working in the yard. While I was digging a hold for one of the plants, I ran into a bunch of cement. I got out the pick axe and went to work on it. Gehrig was watching me chip away at it. I kept stopping to rest and I would say, “this is hard work!” Then I hit my leg with the handle of and said “ouch!” Gehrig asked what hurt and I said I hit my leg. Just after that I had a peice of cement chip off and hit me in the same spot on my leg.

Shortly after this, as I was still chipping away at centment, Gehrig was up mimicing everything I was doing with his miniature hoe. I could hear him say over and over, “this is hard work!”, then later I heard him say, “ouch, it hit my leg!”