Rachel had to go to the church tonight to make copies of the primary program. While she was doing that I managed to find a key that opened the toy cabinet in the nursery and found a small foam basketball to play with. We played dodge-ball with the kids in the gym. They really had a fun time. Lately since I have started working my office in the basement has turned into a disaster – mainly because no one is down there and occasionally the...
Posts made in October, 2009
Today was a nice relaxing Sabbath day. It was general conference so we were able to sleep in a big and wake up and make a nice breakfast. I have to admit it was pretty difficult to listen to conference with 3 small kids which is why I always look forward to listening to them again when they release all the MP3s of each talk on the internet. I can then listen to them as I commute. I love how the church keeps up with the latest technology.
We spend the day in the cleaning the garage and mowing the lawn. Our garage is now able to fit both of our cars. We also went to Home Depot and ordered two new garage door openers and scheduled to have them installed next week. It was General Conference today as well. We listened to it on the radio as we cleaned. For the priesthood session Ken had tickets to go to the Conference center. He invited Cade and I and some neighbor friends. It was a...
Tonight after putting the kids in bed, Nolan wasn’t yet asleep, he was drinking his nightly chocolate milk. As I walked by his door he said, “I love you daddy.” Of all the words and sentences I’ve heard come out of him, that was my favorite. It was so spontaneous too. That was certainly a tender mercy.
I played Ultimate Frisbee today during lunch. It was nice to get out and get some exercise. It has been about 3 weeks since I have gotten any kind of exercise. It was a beautiful day too. It’s starting to get cold now. It rained all day yesterday and snowed in the mountains. I think the warm weather is going to end soon.
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