For whatever reason I have caught the Disneyland bug. I want to go so badly. We have talked about it a few times and figured now we be a good time to go since Nolan is old enough to manage, yet young enough to get in free. Last time we went he was just a couple months old and he came home with RSV. We spent the evening at Laura’s house celebrating her birthday. When we got home I started researching online to get an idea of what it would cost to go to Disneyland. While I was researching, my dad called and I told him what I was doing. He said, “Oh, we are going to Disneyland next month.” He told me where they went to find deals to get cheaper flights and hotels. They are talking Grandma Brighton and leaving on the 18th of December and coming home on the 22nd. I thought that would be great if we could go at the same time. They would be willing to help us with our kids. I spent the rest of the evening figuring out what it will cost. It looks like we can do this vacation for around $2500. I think I would like to try to make it happen. I’m going to see if I can get the days off at work and also call a travel agent to make sure we are getting the best deal that we can. It everything works out I would like to schedule this tomorrow. I am very excited about this! I hope it works out.

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