We went to Temple Square tonight to see the Christmas lights. Last night when I was leaving the Jazz game I saw a woman on the street corner holding a sign that said “homeless and pregnant”. She was shivering in the cold. I got my wallet out. I had $26. I was going to give her six. When I looked down I realized I had pulled out my $20 bill instead of the $5 bill. I was going to get back into my wallet and get the $5 and I had this internal debat thinking I was probably supposed to give her the $20 instead. Before I knew it the light was green and we were crossing the street. I felt so bad about not giving her anything. I prayed last night for forgiveness. I said that the next opportunity that arose, I would give. So tonight when a homeless man asked for money, I gave him the $20 bill. He seemed quite surprised. I probably would have given him $5, but I had spent that on parking. About a block later a woman asked me for money again. I gave her my last dollar. We then got in the car and went to dinner. Oddly enough I had a guy who approached me and was looking for some change because his care broke down and didn’t have the money he needed to pay for the part to fix it. I had to turn him down because I was out of cash.
We ate dinner at Crown burger. After our meal Gehrig nudged me and pointed at a man and said he looked like Santa Clause. He surely did! I guess the man noticed my son’s obvious pointed and comment and walked over to our tabled and pulled some candy canes out of his pocket and gave them to each of our kids. He then explained to them that he doesn’t always wear his red suit. Sometimes he has to go “incognito”. He showed them his Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer watch. He then told them to be good because he is always watching. He was a very nice man and I think Gracie was a little bit in shock afterwards over the whole experience. Whoever that man *really* was, I’m grateful for him!

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