We got a lot of snow dumped on us last night and throughout the day. I left at 6:00 AM. I couldn’t get my car out of our driveway so I took the Navigator. I was going the route I generally go and I got a propting from the spirit to turn around and go another way rather than driving down a steep hill. So I did. I don’t know what might have happened, but I am thankful for that prompting. I was still able to make it to the meeting on time.
For sacrament meeting we had a favorite hymns meeting. I guess it is a tradition here. They open the meeting up for anyone to come up and share what their favorite hymn is and why and the the congregation sings a verse or two. I thought it was unusual but I really enjoyed it.
Tonight was donut day. Every Christmas we make donuts with Rachel’s family. We generally have it the Saturday before Christmas, but we moved it this year to accommodate our vacation. We have also made it a tradition to play bingo and open gifts. Tonight was my night. I was the first to win bingo and I also won a game we played called the game of things. It was a fun evening.

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