I went back to work today. It was sort of weird to be back. It was like I hadn’t missed much at all – yet Christmas was over. As far as health I felt okay most of the day. I did have a coughing attack. Once I used my asthma inhaler I felt much better. I’m thankful for that thing. I only wished I had it in high school during basketball season 🙂
Starting in January I’m going to be working 4 10-hour days. I’m excited for that. Whereas it takes me 45 minutes each way to commute that should save me an hour and a half each week. Plus, carpooling with CTO I find I’m often there more than 8 hours anyway. It’s a good thing I love my job. I will either have Monday or Friday off. It doesn’t really matter to me. Rachel would prefer Mondays because Gehrig doesn’t have school on Monday and it would allow me to spend more time with him. Also, I think this new schedule will allow me to start putting a little more time into my business (Inzolo).

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