We had a company dinner tonight at La Caille. I believe La Caille is the only 5 start restaurant in Utah. It was really nice and excellent food. I really work for a great company. It was also nice to get out on a date with my wife. Apparently while the kids were at Nani & Pops’ house, Gehrig asked Nani if he could have a sleep over and she said yes. He was so excited. Before we left he asked if we were going on vacation. We told he no, we were just going on a date. He seemed disappointed. He wanted us to go on vacation and leave him at Nani’s house because Brigham gets to often. I said, “OK, next time we go to Disneyland we will leave you home with Nani.” Gehrig got a big cheesy grin and said, “OK!” That one backfired on me. It’s funny to me, but Disneyland is not really Gehrig’s thing. There are much more activities that he would rather do than go to Disneyland.

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