It was an interesting day. Last night was doing a lot research on the home and I heard back from our Mortgage guy. It seems the magic number was $56,000. If we could get that much out of the sale of our home then we could likely make it work, but that is if we could find a renter for the mother-in-law apartment in the basement. We talked to Emily and determined that in order to get that much money after agent fees and such we would need to sell the house for $298,000. It might be difficult in this economy, but after Rachel went an looked at the house this afternoon she really wanted to try. After work I came home and looked at the house as well. I really like it to. So tomorrow we are putting our house on the market. I figure that if we can’t sell our house within 30 days, this deal may pass. That is OK with me too. We figure this is a unique opportunity and figured we would go for it. If somewhere were to have told me two days ago that by Friday our home would be listed on the MLS I would have said you’re crazy!

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