I worked from home today… sort of. I got an email from a co-worked that said:
> hey, where were you today?
The following is my reply:
I was sick, just like I said I would be 🙂
Well, that is true, but only half of it. It’s been a day so I’ll share the whole story…
When I got home yesterday I got a call from a neighbor asking me to help lift a heavy armoire up their stairs. When I got done my car wouldn’t start and stopped turning over completely. I was parked on a hill so I tried to see if I could just jump start it, which was dumb, because you can’t jump start an automatic. I ended up leaving it parked at the bottom of that hill last night in front of a stop sign. I tried using jumper cables it but it won’t even attempt to turn over, it just clicks. So I suspect that it is the starter motor. I’m sort of kicking myself because it has had trouble starting for about a month now and Mike would cringe every time as we would leave the building. I just waited too long to take it in.
So today I slept in because I really wasn’t feeling well. My wife had a dr. apt (she’s 17 weeks pregnant for those of you who don’t know). So I watched the kids in the morning. When she got back I started working in my office. My wife put our youngest boy down for a nap and went to her mom’s house. This is where is starts to get good…
My 7yr old daughter got home from school around 2:30 and woke up 2 yr old son that was sleeping. I went upstairs and talked to her to let her know I was home, then I went back to work as they played. My wife was “stuck” at her mom’s house for whatever reason so she sent me a text to watch for our 5 yr old son who was going to be dropped off by our neighbor (the same one I helped move furniture). I sort of forgot about it as I was working. The next thing I know my daughter came down in to my office and said, “Daddy, a policeman was just here.”
I noticed that the neighbor’s car was parked out front so I went upstairs to find out what was going on. I went outside to find the policeman talking to our neighbor because my daughter told him I wasn’t home. He wouldn’t leave and couldn’t believe that we would just leave 3 small kids home alone. My neighbor was trying to explain to him that one of us had to be in the house somewhere because we would never do that.
So anyway, the policeman had gotten calls that my car was parked out there in front of the stop sign so I came to find me to “be nice” rather that towing it off and giving me a ticket. I told him as soon as my father in law got out of a long meeting he was going to bring his trailer and we would move it.
So my father in law brought his trailer around 4:00. Again, our neighbor (same one) happened to be driving by and offered to steer while we pushed. Luckily it was all downhill so we didn’t have to push too hard. The trailer has a tilting bed. He uses it to haul around his backhoe and such. So the goal was to get enough speed to get the car up the trailer until it leveled out, then slam on the brakes. The first two attempts failed. We didn’t get enough speed. So my father in law drove down the hill a ways and we really got some speed going. Well, I forgot to warn my neighbor that because the car wouldn’t start, there were no power brakes. We pushed the car right over the front rail and high centered it on the trailer jack!
We then spend about an hour using a couple of floor jacks cranking the car up and pulling it back into place. I finally got the car dropped off around 5:30. There were some wires that where cut in half from being propped on the trailer jack. Hopefully that was all.
Needless to say, I still don’t have a car (or someone to carpool with) so my plan is to work from home tomorrow. I’m hoping it will all get fixed by Monday (and I can get over this sickness so Aaron doesn’t blame me for spreading germs again).

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