Rachel and I had a very relaxing weekend together. Friday morning we slept in a bit. I mowed the lawn while Rachel got ready. We went to a movie at noon, then ate lunch a new Italian restaurant in Orem. We then drove to Midway and checked in at Inn On The Creek. It was so beautiful there. When we pulled in there was even a fawn right in front of use eating grass. It was like something out of a movie. We drove around a bit until our appointment at 6:30 at the Homestead where we got a relaxing 60 minute couples massage. I actually fell asleep at one point and woke myself up by snoring.
This morning we slept in again. Once we were awake and ready, we checked out and drove to Roosevelt to pick up the kids. The really had a fun time there. My dad & Connie had a good time watching them and getting to know them better. We ate lunch there before driving home. All around I think it was a good weekend for the whole family – even though we weren’t all together. It was a nice, and probably much needed break.
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