I was so tired this morning I couldn’t wake up. It made me pretty ornery. Rachel wasn’t very happy with me because of it. I had to repent and apologize in order to feel good about taking the sacrament.

We had a lot of people ask about our house today. Even though we don’t have a solid plan and don’t know WHERE we are going or WHEN, everyone was so supportive and encouraging of us.

Brother Canavo asked about our house. He said if he wasn’t upside down in his house he would sell it and move. I asked where he wanted to move. He said St. George or Cedar City. Then he said he would LOVE to move to Tennessee. I thought he was joking because Tennessee and St. George are our top two choices. I thought he knew and was joking with me for a while. I told Rachel about it and she thought he was joking with us also.

I chatted with my dad on the phone tonight and he was also very understanding and supportive. Even though we have no idea where we will be 6 months from now I feel at peace and excited about the future.