3 Amazing things that happened today…
- Got the house cleaned.
- Did a lot of laundry.
- Bought some new shoes. They are so comfy. My feet will thank me at Disneyland!
How could I have made today even better?
I ate in moderation.
Lesson learned today…
After cleaning the house, Rachel and I drove to Layton to exchange her shoes and look for a new pair fo shoes for me. On the way home we stopped at walmart to get some things. We are going to have an anti-super-bowl-party. We’ll celebrate not watching the super bowl. Every year Gehrig complains that we don’t get to watch the game. I think he feels left out when his friends are all talking about it. So I figured maybe we could start a new tradition by watching a good movie and having lots of nice food and treats.
I was really thirsty while I was at the store so I bought a raspberry lemonade. One of my new years goals is no soda in 2018. I kind of got addicted to Dr. Pepper in November & December of last year, which is kind of strange since I didn’t really drink much soda my whole life – especially caffinated soda.
We had talke about bai drinks in the past. We like them they tast good and only have 5 calories per serving. But they are expensive and they have green tee extract and coffeefruit. I’m not sure exactly what either of those ingredients are, but we wondered if they are against the word of wisdom. So it came up on the way home and Rachel said, “I need to get better at asking questions in my prayers.” I realized that that was something I wanted to get better at as well and something I had mentioned a few months ago while we were taking our personal finance classes.
So in my prayers I asked and I got what I feel is an answer. The answer the came to me was that it is not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. As long as you are not drinking alcohol, coffee, tea, or consuming tobacco or illegal drugs, then you can answer that you are obeying the word of wisdom. When it comes down to it, caffeinated soda is worse for you than bai drinks. There are conspiring men who want to have you addicted to the sugar and caffeine in these drinks – and they make a lot of money from these addictions. Bai is similar, but they are trying to take a more “healthy” approach and appeal to those who want a healthier alternative. It is healthier, but the ultimate drink there is is pure clean water. That is the drink you want to crave and be addicted to. Bai is more of a money waster than a health hazard, but to be really wise you will grow to love water.
Rachel asked me how I receive answers to my prayers like that. I will try to explain it like I explained to her: I ask a question then I clear my mind and imagine God answering me. It is really like having an imaginary conversation in my mind. So when I have done this in the past I haven’t thought much of the answers because it was just me making stuff up. But the more I did it, answers would sometimes come that surprised me – like “where did that come from? Surely not from my mind.” I would learn things from these conversations. Over time I began to trust the answer to these conversations more and more. Even now, I really don’t want to be deceived, so I will continue to ask throughout the conversation, “is this really true? Is this really You speaking or this this me being selfish or making stuff up?” Then often the reply back is “Well, how do you feel?” I examine myself and I answer, “I feel good inside. The fruit is good.” That is how I have learned to recognize and trust these answers I get and look at them as if they are revelation.
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