
Nolan’s Birthday Party

I left work early today to help out with Nolan’s birthday party. We invited boys from around the neighborhood over for a super hero party. They put on capes & masks in a telephone booth we made out of cardboard. They then lifted a pretend barbell. They the “flew” through the sky on the zip line. I think that was the biggest hit. I bought a new pulley for the zip like that really goes fast. The first time I had Gracie try it...

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Softball Pitching

Cade called me and asked if I would drop everything and come play softball. So I did. They asked me to pitch. I haven’t done that in over 10 years. I was a little nervous. But it helped that I had practiced with Cade that one Saturday and did all the pitching. I was surprised that over the course of two games I only walked one batter. So overall I would call it a success. We lost the first game but won the second.

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Xbox Kinect

After dinner we cleaned up the house and then went downstairs to play Xbox Kinect. It was the first time we played it together as a family. I think the kids love it when we play video games with them.

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YSA Meeting

I had a meeting at Brother & Sister Minor’s home tonight. I felt bad because there was only one other person that showed up. It was productive nonetheless. We basically just went through a list of all the young single adults in the ward, or related to the ward and tried to get updated statuses.

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Labor Day 2011

It was Labor day today so I didn’t have to go to work. Rachel and I spent the morning cleaning out the third garage and backyard shed. It has been greatly needed since we moved in, so it was nice to finally get it done. In the evening I bought some pizzas at Papa Murphy’s. We then built a fire in the backyard and roasted marshmallows.

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Fast Sunday

Since it was fast Sunday, I didn’t have meetings until noon. It was a pretty relaxing morning. Church was good. Unfortunately, Murphy is at that stage where I don’t think I’ll see much time in Sunday School or Priesthood for the next six months – except for the occasions when I can get him to fall asleep. We had one zucchini survive the deer in our garden. It was sort of hidden in the weeds so it got pretty big...

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March 2025