
Jump on it

For family night we went to a place called “Jump on it”. It was loaded with trampolines. We all had a fun time and it was good exercise too.

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Friends’ Baby Blessing

We went to Nicole’s baby blessing today in Salt Lake. We went to their Condo afterwards for refreshments. Nolan was so shy that he just wanted to sit in the car the whole time. He can be quite stubborn at times. When we got home we all went downstairs and watched Father Goose. I think its cute that our kids will watch older shows with us.

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Alpine Days

We went to Alpine Days parade this morning. It seemed really short this year. Rachel, Gracie & I agree that Roosevelt’s UBIC parade was more entertaining and funner for the kids (as evidence by the amount of candy and other treats they caught during the parades. After the parade we went to a softball field and hit a bunch of Softballs. Ken & Laura even came and played with us. I’ve got some major blisters on my hands! After...

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Possible Job Change

I got a confirmation for my 3rd interview with Neutron Interactive. I’ll be interviewing with the VP of technology and the CEO. They also asked me to fill out a background check form. I guess it starts to feel serious when you do that. I’m excited for this and I hope I get this job. I hope it pays well too because we have been struggling a bit more since we moved into our new house.

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Yesterday I was thinking of an old friend that I used to work with at MSC – John Potter. I pulled his contact information up on my phone to call him. I didn’t call him. I can’t remember why. This morning, out of the blue he sent me an instant message saying hi and asking how things were going. I found the timing very interesting. Neither of us have talked for about two years and apparently we both got the prompting to reach out...

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Friends of Faith

The past couple of days I have been very sad because my close friend Brandon has left the church. I suspected as much and send him an email to ask him. He explained why left and how his beliefs changed. What saddened me most was that he as also abandoned the belief in Jesus Christ, as well as scriptures. Whenever I get in a dialog I am always grateful that my faith in confirmed. I just wish I could adequately express what I feel, even then, I...

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March 2025