
Lunch with Mom

I had lunch at Cheesecake factory with my mom today to celebrate my birthday. It was fun to chat and share in a nice meal. My good friend has left the church. It has troubled me. I cant help but feel bad for him even though he claims to feel more enlightened and more at peace now. It has caused me to reevaluate my beliefs and in turn have them validated.

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34th Birthday

It was my 34th birthday today. Gracie woke up at 7 AM excited to see the dog. I left home around 7:30 to go to work. Gracie said happy birthday as I walked out the door. At around 9:30 AM I got a text from Rachel wishing me happy birthday. She forgot. I thought it was pretty funny – especially since I was looking for all kinds of documents this morning because my drivers license expired today. I think she realized it when she logged into...

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Welcome Daisy (Dog)

We left Roosevelt around 8 AM this morning. We were able to get ready for church and make it on time. We ended up after Sacrement meeting though becuase 1) we were so tired and could barely stay awake and 2) we had a birthday party for Brielle. So after chruch we changed and went to Nani & Pops’ house for the party. They also celebrated my birthday and some ice cream pie. I think the most exciting part for the kids was that we got them...

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15 Year Reunion

This morning we went to the UBIC parade. The kids had a fun time. Gracie & Gehrig caught so much candy! My 15 year reunion was at 5 pm. It went about as well as expected. Nothing too exciting. We spent the rest of the evening at UBIC listening to the performances and watching the fireworks. It was a fun weekend.

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Driving to Roosevelt

I took the day off today. We drove out to Roosevelt. I thought I’d take the scenic route and drive over the mountain I took a wrong turn and it added almost an hour to our trip. Plus we we about out of gas so I was pretty nervous. I’m glad to say we made it here safely. My parents celebrated my birthday tonight and we had ice cream cake for dinner. The kids always love coming out here.

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Crazy Awesome Day

This morning I got a call from a recruiter that had a company in Draper that was very interested in hiring me as a Django developer. I thought it was so ironic that they would call just before I had my interview with Neutron Interactive. Another strange thing happened. The person who interviewed me at Neutron used to work at SendOutCards. In fact, I had been sitting in his old seat the past two years. Aaron is good friends with him and had...

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March 2025