
Follow Me Boys

We started watching Follow Me Boys last night. It’s an old Disney movie about boy scouts. The kids weren’t really interested, but they got into it and really liked it. We finished it today. I’m thankful for classic feel good movies.

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Weight Wager

Last night Rachel and I made a wager. We are going to see who can lose 10 lbs first. If I win I get an iPad. If she wins I have to rent scaffolding and paint the living room and office. So tonight we had an extra serving of veggies for dinner and the exercised before bed. I’m actually down to a pretty good weight due to what I lost after surgery. I weigh 226. I have to get down to 216. I weighed 220 when we got married and I havent been...

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Girls Night

Rachel had a girls night out with friends so it was just me & the kids. I spent most of the evening replacing doorknobs and deadbolts on our external doors.

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Celebrating Accomplishments

The kids have been taking swimming lessons in the mornings in Nani’s pool from one of her friends. Nolan has been reluctant to try floating on his back. I told him before I left for work that I would get him a treat if he did it today. I got a phone call today letting me know he did it. When I got home we all went out for shaved ice.

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Nolan Opening Up

I’ve noticed that since we have gotten home from vacation that Nolan has been more talkative than usual. He is usually very shy and quiet – even at home from time to time. I also have noticed that he always runs to greet me with a hug when I get home from work. We have been worried a bit about his introvertedness. I wonder if it had to do with all the time I spent in the hospital. In any case, I think he is opening up a bit more and...

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Back to Life

It was back to work again today. It was sure nice to take a vacation and recharge the batteries so to speak. After dinner we got the kitchen cleaned up & watched Harry Potter together. The last episode comes out Friday.

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March 2025