
Temple Morning

I went to the temple this morning and did initiatories. It’s nice to be so close to the temple. I generally get up at 4:30 and get to the temple by 5:30 so I can be one of the first when sessions start at 6:00 am. I also went hoping to get an answer to prayer about whether I should apply for a particular job closer to home. Oddly enough, the job posting was no longer listed today, so maybe that was my answer.

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Lou Gehrig Never Gave Up

Tonight we were watching wipeout and one of the contestants gave up and quit in the final round. Gehrig and Gracie were watching and I explained that you should never quit and give up no matter how tired you get. Gehrig said, “yeah, like Lou Gehrig!”. I thought it was cute because that is something we have always tried to teach him about his namesake.

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FHE: Articles of Faith

For family home evening I read a story from the Friend about a man that joined the church because he sat next to a girl on a bus who recited all the articles of faith to him when he asked what mormons believe. I challenged the kids to learn them all and I told them I would take them out for a milkshake if they could learn all 13. I memorized them in primary and I still remember them. When I was a senior in high school I took a college history...

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Father’s Day

Last night the kids were making something for fathers’ day and didn’t want me to see. I had to clean up a mess of glue & cut up paper. This morning I got to see what they were up to. They had made birds out of cups and paper. Gehrig’s Angry Bird especially cracked me up! After church I was surprised with a new (really nice) grill on the patio for Fathers’ Day. We cooked hamburgers for dinner. Later we went to Ken & Laura’s for...

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Day of Service

Today was a day of service for our ward. There were 3 houses where we helped weed and do yardwork. We started at 8 am and went until 11. Personally we didn’t get a whole lot done, but there were a lot of people that participated and together we really got a lot done. I spent the remainder of the day working on our yard. It is really starting to improve. It has been vacant and without water for the past two years so its been a project.

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Work Recognition

I got called into a meeting this at 11:00 this morning. In the meeting Bruce asked if I could work on allowing customers to use eCheck payements in addition to credit cards. It wasn’t part of the sprint, but he asked if I could get it done by next Thursday. I was waiting on some information for other tasks, so I started working on it right after our meeting. I stayed focused and worked through lunch. I got it done by 2:30. Both our QA...

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March 2025