
Kind Ward Members

Everyone has been so kind and thoughtful since my emergency and later surgery to remove the tumor. It has been 3 weeks since surgery. I am healing well. Today after church, sister Kemeny came by with two 14 year old boys in the ward. She teaches the 14 year olds in Sunday School. They brought me a card, some cookies and some banana bread. She works in the temple and said she puts my name on the prayer roll every day. She is not the first to tell...

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God is Merciful

Last night I started to write a blog post on DavisVillage.com just to give all my friends and family a complete update of what has happened the past month and how I am now. It turned into a novel and took me probably over 2 hours to write & edit.  I then posted a status update on facebook and invited those interested to read it. I was overwhelmed at all the comments on got on facebook and our blog today. I wasn’t really looking or...

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My Cancer

(I posted the following on our family blog) So a lot has been going on with our family lately. When some asks, “what’s new?” It’s hard to say “not much.” We’ve certainly had our trials and experiences lately, but first and foremost I just wanted to say THANK YOU to our family and friends who have expressed concern, offered help, and continue to enquire about how things are going. The reason I decided to write this post is to tell...

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Delivering Thank You’s

After dinner tonight I took Gracie & Gehrig with me and we drove around the neighborhood returning dishes and dropping off thank you notes that Rachel had written. It was fun for the kids and I am grateful for all those who have helped us.

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Helping Hands

Today Sister Pickell invited Gehrig & Nolan over to her house to play with her boys who are roughly the same age. It was really a blessing to Rachel who was really tired and struggling with all the kids today. Rachel’s visiting teachers brought dinner over tonight. It was a good meal. It is nice to have nice neighbors and friends.

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Parents Visit

My parents drove out from Roosevelt this morning to visit. They took Gracie, Gehrig, & Nolan to Murray Park with them were they got to play games with cousins, aunts & uncles. They had a great time. It gave Rachel & I a chance to go to the store to buy gifts for Nolan’s birthday and just have some quiet time. Murphy is such a quiet baby I forget he is even here half the time.

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March 2025