
Matt & Jacqueline’s Wedding Dinner

We drove to Ogden tonight for Matt & Jacqueline’s wedding dinner. It was at the Ruby River restaurant on Riverdale Road. It was a nice place and good food. It was fun to see Toby & Kristi again. It was the first I had a chance to see their new son Rhett.

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Kids Activities

I left work a bit early again today. Gracie had a program at school where the whole first grade participated and sang a bunch of songs. It was kind of cute. After the program Gehrig had a t-ball game. I enjoy coaching t-ball. I’m suprised at how well they do. The other team made me laugh. It was like we were playing the bad news bears. They fought over the ball every hit.

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Passing of a Friend

I got a text message from Bryan Petty this morning. Joe Asay, who was the high priest group leader in the Taylorsville 10th ward, passed away at his work this morning for a heart attack. It was very sad news. I sat next to Joe every Sunday in priesthood and usually in our ward counsels and PEC meetings. He was a good man and fun to work with. I miss Joe. I hope is family is comforted at this time.

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Busy Day

Today was a busy day. I didn’t even get to see Nolan. During lunch I went to Matt’s apartment and picked up my mini fridge that I let him borrow when we moved to this house. I set it up in my cubicle at work. After work I met with Trent, Trajan & Greg about Snirk. Everyone is pretty excited about it. It is fun working with a team on a start-up business. The meeting went too long though. I didn’t leave until 6:55. I was...

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Offer On A New Home

We placed an offer on a house today. Our offer was for $350,000 on a house worth probably about $425,000. It is going into foreclosure on June 11th. The house is great. It’s 4500 square feet on a 0.8 acre lot. Honestly, I’m a nervous about getting it. Our payment will likely go up about $500 per month. I just don’t know where that will come from at this point. It already feels like we have every dollar stretched to the max. Yet...

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I’ve been slacking for a while not writing in my journal. Things have been busy lately, but I guess that is not new. Things are going well at work. Mike (my boss) got laid off so I no longer have a commuting partner. It costs me more in gas and I don’t have someone to talk to for that 45 minute plus commute. On the other hand I tend to listen to the radio, conference talks, and other things, or just have time to think and ponder. I...

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March 2025