
Family Night

I played Ultimate Frisbee for the first time this year. The weather was perfect, and yes, I still got it 🙂 For family home eventing tonight I suggested that Rachel just give her sharing time lesson since the kids missed it on Sunday. It took a while to get the kids settled down. They are all so wild and I’m not sure what to do about it. It turned out good and we realized we need to do a better job teaching our children about the...

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Quiet Study Time

This morning I got up at 5:45 to get ready for church meetings. I forgot that our meeting on Fast Sunday was at 10:00. It was OK though because I needed to get stuff done. But the doors were locked and I lost my key to the building. So I came back home and had a chance to read some ensign articles. It was nice to take some time to do so. It had been a...

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Lazy Saturday

Today is what I would call a lazy Saturday. We didn’t plan on going out because all our kids are sick again. We watched movies and played games all day. We have a light fixture in the basement that keeps falling out and hanging by the electrical wires. I’ve tried several times to fix it. It has the wrong kind of electrical box to attache the fixture to in the first place. I’ve bought new screws that fit it correctly. That...

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Snow Day

I had the day off today. I think it was a good thing. We woke up to a foot of snow. It had pretty much all melted so it was rather surprising. It took me over an hour to shovel it all, and I had to do it twice. It would probably all melt in two or three days so it may have been a waste of time. So it was pretty much an indoor day. We watched a movie and played some...

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Coupon Shopping

Rachel went to her friend’s house tonight to learn about grocery shopping with coupons. She ordered 5 copies of the Sunday paper to be delivered to get 5 coupon books. I’m excited about it. I have read and hear about this type of system and I think we could really save a lot of money.

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Gehrig Is the Hero

There is something wrong with the doorknob on Gehrig’s door. If you shut it from the inside can can log yourself in. There is no lock on the door, its just that the inside know doesn’t quite work. This morning as Rachel as helping Gehrig make his bed, she was worried as Nolan came in that he would shut the door. In the process of her “freak out” moment she accidentally shut the door. So there they were – all...

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March 2025