
Star Trek

We watched the new Star Trek movie tonight. We really enjoyed it. Rachel has seen more of the old Star Trek movies than I have so she could relate with the characters better. In any case we both liked it a lot.

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Best Company I’ve Worked For

I had lunch today with the COO of the company. He is doing this all week and inviting different groups from various departments just to talk candidly and get our feedback on how the company can improve. I really do work for a good company. I couldn’t think of much as far as improvements. Sure there would be some things that would be nice to have, but overall SendOutCards is already the best company I have ever worked...

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Kudos & Praise

Today I got a lot of kudos and praise for the work I did the past few days to get the event registration completed. It is not fully complete, but it showed well. I will spend the next couple of days polishing it and hopefully release it Friday.

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Day off & Lunch date

I took a much need day off today. I was supposed to have last Friday off, but I had to stay and work to get a project done. Even yesterday after working on it all day I still didn’t have it completed. It was a co-worker that dropped the ball and didn’t get his assignment done, then went out of town. He was supposed to be back today so I figured he could finish it up. Rachel and I went on a date during lunch while Gracie & Gehrig...

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Church History Museum

Rachel drove to Salt Lake with the kids and we met at Costco and drove downtown together. We at dinner at Crown Burger just before the crowds came. We then went to the church history museum. The boys were very wild as I expected they would be, but it was different and fun. We then bought some groceries at Costco before coming...

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Baptism Prieview

Tonight we had a baptism preview fireside with Gracie. I can’t believe she is turning 8 years old this year! She is pretty excited to get baptized. It was nice to be there and just focus on here.

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March 2025