
Dad’s Birthday Party

Today we had a birthday party for my dad since they were out. Melanie and Kellie did most of the work organizing it. We had it at Kelli & Lance’s church, which seems to be the most central location for everyone now. It was a lot of fun. After eating we played a game that involved all the family including kids called “Do you love your neighbor?” Lance used duct tape to create a four square court for us. We played until we barely had...

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Parents visit my place of work

My parents drove out to Salt Lake today to see a production of Fiddler on the Roof at Hale Center Theater. Hale Center Theater just happens to be about 2 minutes away from my work, so I invited them to come check out company. It was fun. Mike helped me give them a tour of the place. They were pretty impressed. I think my dad was interested in signing up to become a...

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Winter Olympics

I’m not getting enough sleep lately. It seems the problem is that we love watching the Olympics too much! It is fun to see the various sports and hear the stories of the athletes.

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Scavenger Hunt

Tonight for family night we had a scavenger hunt for the kids. They really enjoyed it. The clues were very easy but they got so excited every time they found the next one. They worked very well together also. The last clue led them to a cake that said, “A baby is on the way!”. The funny part is, that is the one clue they couldn’t figure out. We had to explain it to them. Even then they didn’t seam all that excited. They...

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Visiting our old Ward

We went to church in Taylorsville today to listen to Tyler Ray speak. Tyler was my home teaching companion before he left on his mission. He went to Johannesburg South Africa. It was really fun to visit with our old friends from the 10th ward. After church we went to the Petty’s house for a little while. As we were leaving church, once we got in the car I asked Gehrig, “Did you see your girlfriend?” (He always says Alyssa Petty...

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Putting Our Home on the Market

It was an interesting day. Last night was doing a lot research on the home and I heard back from our Mortgage guy. It seems the magic number was $56,000. If we could get that much out of the sale of our home then we could likely make it work, but that is if we could find a renter for the mother-in-law apartment in the basement. We talked to Emily and determined that in order to get that much money after agent fees and such we would need to sell...

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March 2025