
Home Upgrade?

Today we had an interesting message left on our answering machine. There is a home in our our neighborhood that has been vacant for over a year. I emailed the next door neighbor of that house and asked about it. We eventually decided it was too expensive and not worth it. Well the owner, who is also a real estate agent called us. He had been told by a couple of people in the ward that we might be interested. He said they had a buyer that made an...

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Busy Season of Life

I have been slacking on the journal entries lately. I have been working hard to try to build my business and also putting in 9 hour days at work. I have been getting up at 4 AM again to get it all done. It has me pretty tired. Last week I had a 3 day weekend due to my new work schedule. We painted the family room and hallway in the basement, installed a new cabinet in the laundry room. Set up our new washer and dryer (we stacked front-loads for...

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Remodel Project

While I was at work today Rachel painted the laundry/bathroom. When I got home I got the washing machine and dryer out and put them in the garage. I then installed a new light fixture. We should be getting a new washing machine and dryer delivered tomorrow. We are excited to get these new front load models. They seem to wash much better while using less...

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Ride Home From Mike

It was a long day at work today. There was a problem with a certain system in place and work and Mike was involved with it all day. I was still at the office at 7:30 when Mike Allen was ready to leave. It was so supposed to be Mike Allen’s day off, but he came in to help with the small crisis. He offered to take me home. He lives in Riverton so Alpine was well out of his way. I wanted to get home and see my kids before they were in bed so...

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Home Teaching Changes

I have a new home teaching companion – Brother Gillette. We visited the Hausers and Whites after church today. It was fun. I love Brother Gillette. He’s a great guy. I love the families we visit as well. I could get really comfortable with this situation.

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Family Movie Night

These evening we watched a movie together at home. We watched Escape From Witch Mountain on Netflix. It was a fun show. Gehrig was a littel confused with the title: Gehrig: “Which mountain?”Me: “Witch mountain.”Gehrig: “Yeah, which mountain?”Me: “Witch mountain.”… rinse & repeat … I think Nolan was a little nervous with all the action. He fell asleep clinging to my...

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March 2025