
Daddy’s Home

One thing that I never grow tired of is when I come through the door after getting home and my boys yell, “Daddy!”. It is good to be loved.

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My Brother the Doctor

I’ve been using my inhaler about 3-4 times per day. That’s far more than I’m used to. Generally I don’t use it at all. Most of my inhalers are half full and expired. I think it is a combination of my recent illness and the inversion we’ve had the past couple of weeks but I’ve had a dry cough and the thing that helps most is my albuterol. I called Toby because I know there are pill you can take, or a steroidal...

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Good Day for Gehrig

Tonight after family home evening we played Mario Kart Wii. Gehrig likes to play but usually takes last. Tonight wasn’t much of an exception, but I noticed that he is getting better. He used to get very frustrated but he has been getting better. Rachel said that today she asked him to clean his room and he went straight to his room and cleaned it all up all by himself. I was very proud of him...

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Stake Conference

We had Stake Conference this morning. It was actually broadcast to our building from the Stake Center. Isn’t technology great?! I was surprised when they announed Julie B. Beck on the stand and also when she spoke. I didn’t realized she was in our stake. She is the general Relief Society president. It was a good conference. It was also a beautiful day. We walked to church and I couldn’t believe how warm it was for...

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Stake Leadership Meeting

I had a stake leadership meeting tonight. The first half was really good as we heard from Elder Gerald N. Lund (author of the Work and the Glory series) and President Allred. They spoke about ministering in the church rather than administering. The second half was rather boring is it related to my calling as clerk and generally talking about record keeping and...

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Company Party

We had a company dinner tonight at La Caille. I believe La Caille is the only 5 start restaurant in Utah. It was really nice and excellent food. I really work for a great company. It was also nice to get out on a date with my wife. Apparently while the kids were at Nani & Pops’ house, Gehrig asked Nani if he could have a sleep over and she said yes. He was so excited. Before we left he asked if we were going on vacation. We told he no,...

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March 2025