
Lunch With Nolan

Rachel had a doctor’s appointment this morning. Rather than get a baby-sitter for Nolan, I suggested she just bring him into town and I took a lunch break and went to lunch with him. He kept telling me he wanted to go to McDonalds. On the way there he said he wanted chicken nuggets, fries, and a juice box. So I took him to McDonalds and that is what I ordered for him. He drank his juice box and ate one french fry and he was done. I...

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Benefiting From the Work of Others

I got a lot done at work. We have some crazy deadlines this month. I recently read about Parkinson’s law, which basically says that a task will fill the time allotted to it. It is an interesting concept really. With tight deadlines I’m finding myself pushing forward at a greater pace. Today I recreated a calendar system in a couple hours. I estimated 10 for that project. I must say that a great part of being able to do it so quickly...

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Today Mike and I went to the gym. We were planning on shooting some basketball, but once we go there we changed our minds and borrowed some racquetball stuff to play racquetball. It was a lot of fun and I’m sure I got a lot more exercise.

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New Work Schedule

Last week we started the scrum process at work and split out group into two teams. We were given more flexibility with our work schedule. Our team decided to work 9 hour days and take every other Friday off. The other team is working 4 10-hour days and taking Mondays off starting next week. I think I would prefer the 10 hour days as it would give me an extra day at home each week, but I wanted to balance it with Mike, who I carpool with. As CTO...

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Primary Talks

Today I went into Primary because Gehrig had the scripture (1st article of faith) and Gracie had a talk. Gehrig was so proud that he had memorized the first article of faith. Rachel went to go help him, but he told her no, he didn’t need help. He then said it in the microphone. I was surprised that he wasn’t scared or nervous as I had expected. Gracie did a good job on her talk. She read it and was very monotone. Rachel said she was...

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Relaxing Saturday

This afternoon we went to Ikea & Home Depot to look at some cabinets and ideas to improve our laundry room. We managed to make it out of both stores without spending anything! Of course I insisted we keep our wallets in the car. 😉 I had just spend about an hour getting our budget all balanced and I didn’t want to mess it up. We ate dinner at Chadders. We had never been there before but it was somewhere I wanted to try. I was...

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March 2025