
Busy Week, Old Friends

Wow is it Friday already? I’ve put in a lot of extra hours staying up late and getting up early to work on Inzolo. It’s crazy to think that after a year’s work of work, I still make more money from Shiblon.com than I do from Inzolo.com. I have a feeling that will change this year. Tonight on the way home from work I had a prompting to call an old friend, Tyler, who moved to Washington a few years ago. I talked to him the whole...

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Hired iPhone Developer

This morning I pulled the trigger and hired a developer in Vietnam to write an iPhone application. He was very detailed in the steps required to create the app, test it and make it available in the Apple app store. His rate was $450. Not bad at all! Now I just have to write an API so he can create the iPhone app. So that is what I am working on...

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Good Day for Inzolo

Yesterday I had someone send me an email to saying they had accidentally signed up for Inzolo and meant to sign up with my competitor so they wanted a refund. Of course I gave them the refund, but it felt like a slap in the face. Well today I had a great day as 7 people joined and 2 people signed up for the discounted pro membership when the joined, so I got double the money that I refunded yesterday. It seems promising to me when I get payments...

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Family Search

I should be in bed right now. I’ve been working on new.familysearch.org since about 9 pm. I’ve been finding names to do work for in the temple. I can’t find any direct descendants that need work. I’m going through my descendants siblings and finding work – mainly for women though, so my wife is really going to have to help me out. But it is fun to finally be able to find some work to do.

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Rachel had a primary presidency meeting this morning so I took the kids. We went to Smith’s to get Groceries, then went looking for a sled. I had a nice sled from Costco that has disappeared. We spend a few hours digging through snow in the back yard to try to find it, but no luck. We went sledding at the usual big hill in Highlight. It was a lot of fun. I was surprised at how much Nolan loved it. He just couldn’t get enough. The rest of the...

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This morning I got to go on a date with my wife. Leslie watched our kids for us so we could go see Invictus. I can easily say it was the best movie I’ve seen all year. I’m not just saying that because it was the first moview I’ve seen this year. It was about South Africa, Nelson Mandela, and the 1995 Rugby World Cup. It brought back great memories of the time I spent there on my mission....

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March 2025