
Driving in the Snow

It was very snowy again today. I was thankful that we made it to work safely and back home safely. We just watched the news and they said there were about 130 accidents today. I never had to worry about this last year when I was working from home.

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Dinner with Grandma Wendy & Grandpa Harvey

It was a snowy day today. Mike drove my car home and Rachel picked me up from work. We had dinner with my Mom & Harvey and family at Tres Hombres. It was fun and the kids were well behaved. I love the food there but tonight I would have to say their salsa was too hot! I couldn’t stop sweating after eating it. I think this may be a new tradition – getting together after Christmas with my mom & Harvey. Everyone is a little less...

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Back to Work

I went back to work today. It was sort of weird to be back. It was like I hadn’t missed much at all – yet Christmas was over. As far as health I felt okay most of the day. I did have a coughing attack. Once I used my asthma inhaler I felt much better. I’m thankful for that thing. I only wished I had it in high school during basketball season 🙂 Starting in January I’m going to be working 4 10-hour days. I’m...

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Family Vacation & Sickness

It has been a while since I have written! We had a fun time and a terrible time at Disneyland. It was fun because it was a vacation and it was Disneyland. It was terrible because we were all very sick. By the time we got home each night and got the kids to sleep I had no enery to write. I have been so sick since then that situation was the same. Saturday I sent a text message to Toby. I explained that I had been to the doctor on Tuesday. I had a...

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Today was a fun day. I have to admit, it was a long night yesterday. I was miserable in our hotel. The place was a rat hole! The A/C didn’t work. It was so hot and humid. reception was very poor on cheap 13″ TV. I went to the front desk and asked for an extra pillow and blanket, they said they would bring me one but they never did. Our tub drain was clogged. Our closet door broke… I’m sure I could go on. I slept on the...

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Smooth Commute

With all the snow we got here yesterday I was really worried about the commute. Once we got out of Alpine though I was surprised that there was virtually no snow in the salt lake valley. It was really a smooth commute both ways.

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March 2025