
Snow, Songs, & Donuts

We got a lot of snow dumped on us last night and throughout the day. I left at 6:00 AM. I couldn’t get my car out of our driveway so I took the Navigator. I was going the route I generally go and I got a propting from the spirit to turn around and go another way rather than driving down a steep hill. So I did. I don’t know what might have happened, but I am thankful for that prompting. I was still able to make it to the meeting on...

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Christmas Party Day

This morning we had our annual Davis/McKee family Christmas party. It was our turn to host it. We used the relief society room in the chapel. It turned out really well and we all had a fun time. After we ate the kids did a nativity program that Rachel put together. After that we had a Santa outfit that my dad was going to wear, but he couldn’t get the the pants to fit around his legs, so Matt played Santa. He stuffed my dad’s coat up...

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Good Friend

I got a nice card today from my friend Tyler. I havent seen him in a few years since he moved to Washington. He was always a great friend – the type of guy I would trust withy life. Im thankful for friends like that.

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Temple Morning

Last night Mike asked that I pick him up at 8:00 so I thought it would be a good oportunity to go to the temple in the morning. It has been a while. It was nice to be back. I love living so close to so many temples. I actually pass 3 of them on my daily commute!

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Excited for Disneyland

I’m really getting excited for Disney land. We leave a week from tomorrow. I feel like a kid again. I always wanted to go when I was young kid but it seemed like a pipe dream because we were so poor. I’m glad I can afford to take my family. Yeah, it might be a bit of a sacrifice and we could probably afford it a bit better if we waited a few months, but still, it just seems like the perfect time with where we are at right now and my...

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Another Snow Day

It snowed again last night. I looked at my google maps application and saw that traffic wasn’t moving at all. So I called my boss and asked if I could just work from home and he allowed it. I got a lot done and helped out at home a bit. Gehrig likes it when I’m home and I can take him to school. I’m thankful snow, but I sure don’t like driving in it!...

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March 2025