
Snow Day

It snowed last night. It took me almost two hours to get to work! Fortunately the freeway was the best I have seen it in a long time on the way home so I got home before 6. I originally purchased a 3-day hopper for Disneyland, but today I called and upped it to a 4 day hopper. Initially I didn’t want to go on Sunday, but after going through all kinds of ideas we just decided that Sunday morning we will have a family home evening and read...

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Fast Sunday

Today in fast and testimony meeting both Rachel and I bore our testimonies. I didn’t really have anything in mind to say, but more of a feeling that I should. It has been a while. Generally the kids make it difficult to get up there. Fortunately they were pretty good today. Things are going well. All our kids are going to their classes so I am able to attend mine as well. Tonight we went to Cade & Leslie’s house to celebrate...

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Cleaning House

Today we spent the majority of the day scouring the house and doing repairs. I fixed our bathroom toilet. It got to the point where the valve didn’t turn off after you flushed. The water just kept running. I bought a $12 part and home depot and fixed it. Other than that, not much exciting happened...

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Functioning on Lack of Sleep

I took some prescription cough medicine before bed last night. It worked well in that I was able to relax and not cough, but it had a terrible side effect. Although the warnings claimed drowsiness, it kept me up all night long. I just laid in be relaxed, but wide awake. Finally I got up at 3:30 and did some work on Inzolo. I then went back to bed around 5:30 and was able to sleep for about an hour. Fortunately it didn’t affect me too bad....

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Playing Basketball

Today I had a hard time getting out of bed. Rachel and I have been exercising and today was a cardio day. We didn’t get up early enough to have time to exercise. Fortunately though 3 of us decided to go play basketball at the gym. There were 7 other guys there and invited us to play full court with them. It was fun and good exercise. It’s been a while since I have played full court...

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Family Christmas Cards

Tonight after dinner we got dressed up a bit and took some family photos in front of our Christmas trees – first upstairs, then downstairs. The upstairs ones turned out a little better, so we chose our favorite and made a Christmas card through SendOutCards.com. Inside the cad we put 10 things we learned this year – basically just funny events that happened. It was fun to do. We still have to compile a list of everyone we want to...

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March 2025