
Giving and Seeing Santa

We went to Temple Square tonight to see the Christmas lights. Last night when I was leaving the Jazz game I saw a woman on the street corner holding a sign that said “homeless and pregnant”. She was shivering in the cold. I got my wallet out. I had $26. I was going to give her six. When I looked down I realized I had pulled out my $20 bill instead of the $5 bill. I was going to get back into my wallet and get the $5 and I had this...

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Jazz Game

I got invited to watch go to a Jazz game tonight. At first I said no because it was family night. Then a few circumstances changed and I talked with Rachel and we decided we would have family night on Wednesday and go downtown to see the lights on temple square. We went out to eat and then had great seats – 15th row, center court. It was fun. It was a blow-out game in Jazz’s favor so not too exciting, but fun...

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Today after church John & Lisa and their four kids stopped in to visit us on their way home to St. George. They were our neighbors back when we lived in Kearns. Lisa & Rachel were visiting teaching companions and got to be really good friends. They have stayed in touch over the years. They also have a daughter named Grace that is the same age as Gracie. Also another daughter Gehrig’s age and a daughter Nolan’s...

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Thanksgiving Weekend

I haven’t written the past two nights. That is out of character for me. For Thanksgiving we drove out to Roosevelt to celebrate with my family. I had a great time and enjoyed seeing my family. We spend the day setting up Christmas trees and decorations. Well, obviously Rachel did most of the work. She went to a movie with Leslie and Sam this morning. She felt bad because it was one I really wanted to see, so she said would be a supportive...

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Out Early

Today we were told to go home early from work. That was a nice surprise. Just as I neared home I got a text from Rachel with a picture of a pumpkin pie, so I went to her parents house where she was making them. While I was there, Ken called his neighbor, Dave and invited him over so I could explain my budgeting software to him. Dave sells software to credit unions. We talked for a while and he liked the application and could see the benefit for...

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Honey-Do List

We got quite a bit done today. Rachel painted Gehrig’s room yesterday. Today we replaced light switches and plugs in his room and in Gracie’s room. I played Mr. Fix it with doors and closets.

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March 2025