
Gracie’s First Report Card

Gracie got her first report card today. It was a little different than we expected. There were no letter grades, just numbers 1-4, 4 being mastery of a particular subject. Gracie got all 4’s and one 3. We are certainly proud of her and I’m glad she likes school and loves learning.

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Old Invoice Settlement

I got an email from the company I did work for a few months ago. They apologized for not getting my full payment to me and said it was in the mail. I wasn’t sure if I would ever get it or not, but I wasn’t going to stress about it. A couple days ago I got an email from my friend Mike who approached me about doing work. He said he had since left that company but was doing a some consulting work for them. He just wanted to make sure...

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Sharing South Africa

Tonight I helped with a combined activity in the ward. The youth split up into four groups and switched between rooms learning about different areas of the world. Obviously my corner of the world was South Africa. It was pretty fun teaching about the country and sharing experiences I...

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Father & Son Allegory

We haven’t told the kids we are going to Disneyland. We want to keep it a secret until the morning that we actually leave. It was a frustrating night with the kids. They weren’t listening to us. We tried all night to get Gehrig to clean him room. I just kept thinking, “If you knew what we are planning for you; if you knew how much we loved you and wanted you to be happy, you wouldn’t be acting this way.” As I was...

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Planning Disneyland Vacation

For whatever reason I have caught the Disneyland bug. I want to go so badly. We have talked about it a few times and figured now we be a good time to go since Nolan is old enough to manage, yet young enough to get in free. Last time we went he was just a couple months old and he came home with RSV. We spent the evening at Laura’s house celebrating her birthday. When we got home I started researching online to get an idea of what it would...

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Piano Shopping

Leslie came over with her kids today and she and Rachel made lasagna to eat for dinner tomorrow night. Afterward we packed the kids in the car and drove all over Orem and Salt Lake looking for a used piano. We didn’t find any that were either nice enough or in our limited budget. We going to try to look at one on Monday that we found on KSL classifieds that looks like a nice balance between nice and affordable. Gracie is 6 now and I would...

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March 2025