
Looking At Other Companies

This morning I had an appointment with a neurosurgeon to discuss my back. As I expected I have a large herniated disc (L5-S1). He said sine the cortisone shot and physical therapy worked so well last time that was his first recommended treatment option. If it doesn’t help with the main and loss of strength/feeling/reflexes in my leg then he recommended doing microdiscectomy surgery. After my appointment I met with Matt Ryan for lunch. Matt...

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Be celebrated, not tolerated

I’m starting to get some interviews set up. I have one tomorrow with Perfect Pitch and one I need to contact back to set up a time. It will probably be next Wednesday. I’m actually pretty nervous. I never thought I’d find myself in this position. This morning I was listening to The Power of WHO audiobook. There was a chapter that really hit the nail on the head for me. Essentially it said that there will be people who will...

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Time to leave Neutron

This morning I had a meeting with Joel. It was awful. He started by telling me yet again how slow I am. The past few weeks I’ve really been pushing but the feedback is always the same. It was a very frustrating conversation. I won’t go into all the details. I determined after our meeting that I really need to find a new job. I’m just not going to be happy working with Joel. It’s unfortunate because I really liked working...

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Fasting about where to move

Gracie and Gehrig did pretty well fasting for the first time. I think Gehrig forgot a few times. After church he walked home and told us he said a prayer to break his fast. We made waffles for dinner and said a prayer to end our fast as a family. We also talked about where we might live. I don’t think I got an answer today, but I wasn’t really expecting an answer today. I think I was mainly praying and fasting that after we sold our...

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Family Fast

Today was a busy work day. We ran errands and did some work around the house. I spent most of my day painting the basement door. It has been weathered a bit. We started a fast tonight with the family. Gracie and Gehrig are trying to do a full fast with us for the first time. We are fasting to receive help in selling our house and to find the area that will be best for our family. I was pretty depressed this afternoon and I wasn’t sure why....

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Brock’s 18th Birthday Party & Flat Tire

Rachel picked me up from work today and we drove to Brigham City for Brock’s 18th birthday party. We stopped to get gas before we went there. As I was getting back into the car I noticed we had a flat tire. I was very grateful when a man came and offered to help me put the spare on. I would normally handle it, but my back is still pretty sore. He pretty much did it all for us. We also had two other men come offer to help.  There are lots...

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March 2025