Priesthood session of general conference was awesome tonight. I especially loved Elder Eyring’s talk – mostly because I felt the Spirit the most during his talk, but they were all great and seemed to center around the theme of bouying us up and assurring that us that as we are on the Lord’s errand we are entitled to the Lord’s help, and he will help us. During Elder Eyring’s talk he spoke about a mission president that had given a certain mission 15 companions that were on the verge of giving up and wanting to go home. He said that after each of them served with this missionary, none of them went home. In a tender mercy moment, the Spirit touched me and I could see the missionaries that I helped while on my mission. There was one in particular where my mission president called me before transfers and apologized in advance but said that he prayed about it and really felt I was supposed to help this missionary. It was really rough. I had never met such homesick missionary. I got to the point finally where I said to myself, “if he mentions going home or missing his mom one more time, I’m going to blow up and tell him to just go home.” I guess the Lord saw that I was finally stretched to my limit and that is when things turned around. He never mentioned home or missing his mom again the rest of the time I was with him and we had some great successes in that area. I also taught him to drive “a stick” and I think that helped his confidence and made him enjoy the mission more since he could now drive.