Nolan was up on and off again all night. I think he’s teething. We just found a bottom molar last night. I still got up around 4:30. I took him downstairs with my. I did a short exercise video, then came in the office, read a section of D&C, then decided that with Nolan I wasn’t going to be able to do any work, so I watched the video President’s Uchtdorf’s talk in General Relief Society meeting. It was an awesome talk about finding joy in creation and not being so hard on ourselves. I think women generally are more hard on themselves and don’t give themselves enough credit. I’ve put all the conference talks on my wife’s iPod so she can listen to it when she gets a chance (she didn’t even realize it was Women’s conference and missed it.) Nolan fell asleep in my arms during the talk so I was able to go put him in bed and get some work done.