After cleaning the house and doing some fix-up projects, we went up Milcreek canyon, built a fire and had hot dogs and S’mores. I was surprised at how warm it was today. I was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt and I was very comfortable. It was very beautiful with all the fall colors. The kids had a blast running around and playing in the leaves. After we packed up everthing we thought we’d go for a short hike, but Rachel’s hip was hurting and my lower back was hurting (likely from Ultimate Frisbee on Thursday). So we headed back home. When we got home I saw our next door neighbor, Kelley working in his yard. The past two weeks he has been digging dirt out to expand his driveway. He usually has a brother or two helping him. But today he was all by himself – all day. I suggested to Rachel that I go help him. I was questioning how much help I would be with a sore back but decided to give it a try. While we were working, Bryan Petty and his wife were out for a walk and stopped by to say hi. Bryan later showed up in his work clothes to help out. We probably worked out ther for an hour or two together. It was a lot of fun. The whole time I didn’t notice any pain in my back. It is hurting again now though. I had the thought before that it wouldn’t hurt me if I were doing service. On the as I was walking back home and noticed the pain again, that thought came back to me. I sincerely believe that it did not hurt because I was doing service. It’s not the first time it’s been hurt. I’m sure I’ll be over it in a few more days anyway.