Today was election day. To be honest I’m glad its over. It looks pretty clear that Barack Obama is the new president. I’m pretty dissappointed in that because I don’t like his socialist views and personal affiliations. Rachel is depressed, as are a lot of my friends. Surprisingly, I’m not nervous or scared or anything else. I feel at peace – not that Barack won, or the democrats are taking over the house and senate majority. I feel peace because I know that things are bad now and will continue to get worse, but it will lead up to the return of the Prince of Peace. If things continue to get worse, more prophesies such as these will be fulfilled and I will know that the Savior is at the door. That gives me great confort and excitement.

To be quite honest, I’ve been more worred about the vote in California over Proposition 8 – the ban of gay marriage. Voting YES will ammend the states constitution that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. I won’t go into all the ramifications of that, but if that got voted NO, I would be very worried about the consequences. So far it appears YES is winning at a 54% margin.