At around 2:30 today we got a call letting us know that someone wanted to come look at the house between 4:00 – 5:00. I was supposed to be on a support call with a client, so I just went in to work. Rachel packed up the kids and went to visit her grandparents.

Later as we were just finishing dinner, we got a knock at the door. It was the agent that had come by earlier. The person who came through wanted to see it again, but with her college kids that weren’t able to make it before – or something to that affect. So we packed the kids in the car and left – dirty kitchen at all. We weren’t sure were to go, then we remembered President Tindalls invitation to go to the temple before stake conference in two weeks. He said, “notice, I didn’t say anything about age” – specifically inviting all stake members to visit the temple. So we drove down to the Jordan River templer and just drove around it a few times. We didn’t bother getting out of the car, because we didn’t bring jackets. Tonight as we were writing in our gratitude journal, I was pleasantly surprised when both Gehrig and Gracie said they were thankful that they could see the temple tonight. I too am thankful that we live so close to it, and that just a short spontanious drive to it left an impression on the kids.