Our Bishop dropped by tonight. It was sort of unexpected. What surprised me was that he rang the doorbell. Our doorbell was not working so I took it apart and fund that it was the button outside. So I took it off and we went to Home Depot tonight and bought a new one. so we just had two wires sticking out. If you touch the wires, the doorbell rings. I thing it was funny that he actually did that šŸ™‚

He probably visited for a half hour or so to get to know us. He said he called our former Bishop. He wasn’t home, but he talked with his wife. She said, “Oh please, send them back!” He got excited after he heard that. It was a nice visit and he seemed to be a very great man – very nice and very caring. It will be interesting to see how soon we get callings. I got the feeling that Rachel may be getting a call to work with the Young Women. She has served as a Relief Society president, in nursury twice, in two Primary presidencies, and Sunday School. She has never worked with the young women. I think it would be a good experience for her.