Last night Rachel created some chore charts for the kids. This morning when I came up for lunch Gehrig said, “Dad, come look on my door!” I didn’t bother going there and just said “what is it?” He said, “I did my jobs. Mommy was so proud of me!”

It was a pretty fun day. It snowed all day long! I took a break in the afternoon to help Rachel finish shoveling. When Gehrig and Gracie were playing in the snow while she was shoveling. After we go done I went sledding down the hill in our yard a few times with Gehrig. When we got done. Gehrig said, “I had such a fun day, Daddy!”

For family home evening, Rachel made a cake and we celebrated Jesus’ birthday and talked about the nativity. We then finished the night off by watching Polar Express. I love the holiday season. I can’t believe it is almost over.