We’ve had a lot of deer encounters lately. Yesterday after getting the mail, as we were driving around the block Rachel pointed out to Gehrig where her primary teacher lived. I stopped and said, “whoa!” There was a deer standing on the porch – it looked as if it had just rang the doorbell and was waiting for someone to answer. I thought it was the funniest thing.

Again, today, as I was getting the mail, there were two more deer standing in the middle of the street just ahead of me.

Tonight after eating dinner and cleaning up, Rachel came downstairs. She beckoned me to follow her outside. She wanted me to check out the full moon over the mountains. We really live in a beautiful area. As we were standing outside looking at the moon, 4 deer came walking down the road, right in front of our house. The last one stopped and just stared at us, then finally trotted off to catch up with the others.