Today was the first day of my 2 weeks of crash programming… I first had to get some stuff out of the way to get a client’s issues resolved. They imported a bunch of data into our product. The import took 3 days – that is how much there was. They had over a million documents to import. There were 20 million document values records. When they would try to do a search, the system would time out. It was my job to figure out a way...
Posts made in January, 2009
Rachel and I gave talks in Sacrament meeting today. Rachel’s mom came to help sit with the kids. That was sure appreciated! I was surprised at the number of people that came and told us how much they enjoyed our talks. I don’t really think it is so much that we are awesome speakers, but rather I think it shows the kindness of the ward to acknowledge us in such a gracious manner. I even had a young girl – probably about 14 or 15...
Today was pretty uneventful. We basically cleaned all day – at least it felt that way. It feels great though to have such a clean house. I feel the Spirit stronger in a clean home. It’s not that our house was a disaster or anything, it just got a good thorough cleaning.
I am feeling so much better today! I’m sure Rachel enjoys being around me more as I am not nearly and dull and ornery. I had lunch today with Scott (our company president), Erik (new investor that bought into our company), and Ab (a salesman in our company). We discussed the new product I am working on. I’ve had to put it on hold a bit to work on an issue a new client is having. Erik offered me a $2000 bonus and a weekend stay at his...
Today I felt worse much of the day. I had a cold chills all day. Finally around 3:00 I decided to go get in bed. Rachel kept the kids quiet so I could sleep. I woke up feeling much better – not 100%, but the fever was gone at least. I think I’m on the way up now at least.
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