We had the Brighton family reunion in Roosevelt over the weekend. We drove out Friday afternoon and arrived around 5:00 pm at the campground. The campground is basically a place back in the middle of some alfalfa fields that my grandma and grandpa Brighton cleared out and turned into a place where we have had the reunion for probably 12 years or more now. They put in a small bathroom, a pavilion, and a cement pad for basketball. The past 5 or 6 years it seems the game we play most is 4 square believe it or not. We play that game for hours in the hot sun.

It rained Friday night but it wasn’t too bad. We had our tent up to protect us. That was actually the first time we brought a tent. We generally go back to my parents’ house to sleep, but since we got a nice new tent and some sleeping bags for the kids, it has been fun to sleep in it more.

The whole family had a great time. Gehrig was so shy when we got there, but after a couple of hours he got comfortable and I didn’t see him much because he was playing with cousins the whole time. I had a hard time coaxing him into the car so we could leave.

I would have written in my journal last night, but I was so tired I could barely stay awake.

This morning I got a phone call from a stake clerk or secretary asking if I could be at our chapel at 8:45 for an interview. I was called to be the ward clerk. I was a little bit surprised at the calling but I’m excited to work with our bishopric. They are great men and I hope some of that greatness will wear off as I rub shoulders with them. I was set apart after church and received a great blessing from a member of the stake presidency. At 4:00 Rachel and I went to the stake offices to get our recommends renewed and I happened to get the same counselor that set me apart the did my interview. Interestingly he gave me some good advice as far as business goes and something to consider as far as my new business goes.

At 7:30 I went to the chapel and met with the former ward clerk (now the new elders quorum president). He went over a number of things with me to help get me started in my new calling. It was nice having the six month break in meetings, but I’m excited about the new calling and look forward to getting more involved and getting to know more of the ward members. I think that was the hardest part about moving to Alpine was just getting to know people and having some social interaction, especially since I work from home.