Last night was a long night. We have gotten into the happen in laying down with Nolan to get him to sleep. It is mostly because we are too tired to do anything else. Or, he will sneak into our bed in the middle of the night and we will be too tired to put him back.

Last night we didn’t lay down with him at all. We put him to bed and spent about an house standing by his door and putting him back in bed every time he got out – which was about every minute it seemed!

He woke up at 10:30 pm! Fortunately I hadn’t fallen asleep yet so I was determined to deal with this the "super nanny" way. I sat on the floor with my head down. He cried the whole time. He just wanted me to lay next to him. Every time he got out of bed I put him right back in bed. I was worried that he would wake everyone else up with how loud he was crying but I was determined to stick with it.

Well, he finally fell asleep at 11:30 – an hour later. It felt like I had been sitting there much longer. I should add that while I was sitting there I was also praying for help. When we woke up the next morning we realized we got to sleep through the night without interruption from any of our kids. It happens about once every six months it seems.

Tonight was much easier. We had to put him back in bed 3 or 4 times, but we didn’t stand by the door. He fell asleep without a fuss. Let’s hope this is a new trend!