Posts made in September, 2009

Peaceful Night

Rachel had a meeting tonight to plan her primary program. I had a good night with the kids. I helped Gehrig & Nolan clean up all their toys and then read them a book. Gracie was good to get herself ready for bed and clean her room. I then put on the primary CD. It seemed to help quite a bit from previous nights. I had to play it twice through before Nolan finally fell asleep. All 3 kids were asleep by 8:30. Ahhh!

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Bonus Check & Lucky Day

This afternoon as I was working on got an instant message from Mike letting me know that I just received a full paycheck bonus for the work I had done and help with convention. It was quite the pleasant surprise to say the least! I also had a new user subscribe to use Inzolo. I was telling a friend that it must be my lucky day. Now I think it really is. I just noticed the permalink for this post. This is post #777. It really is my lucky day!!!

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Working from Home Tomorrow

Today was a good productive day at work. I left a bit earlier than I expected to. Mike wasn’t feeling well. He said he wasn’t planning on going in tomorrow. He also said that I could just work from home. I’m excited for the chance to do so. I hope to do well to show that I can still accomplish a lot even from home. I also plan on going to the temple in the morning because I haven’t been since I started this new job.

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Teaching Personal Finance

I woke up at 5:15 this morning for meetings. I was about to get into the shower. I was so tired I wished I could just go back to bed. I then realized that it was fast Sunday. I only had one meeting and I could go back to bed! That extra hour was exactly what I needed. I taught elders quorum today on finances. I didn’t really use any notes that I had other than some highlight areas of the One for the Money pamphlet. I think it went rather...

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Busy Memorable Day

Shortly after going to bed last night Nolan woke up crying. I was so tired and he wouldn’t calm down so I finally laid down in his bed next to him. We both fell asleep pretty quickly. At around 12:50 AM Rachel brought my cell phone in and said I had just missed a call. My boss had called to let me know there was a problem with some code that had been moved live. I couldn’t do much about it from home because of my current setup, so I...

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September 2009