I got a call from my lawyer this morning. He has reviewed the C&D letters and the patent and feels I have a very good case that I won’t have to change anything. He sent a letter back to Finicity. I was excited to get the ball rolling on this.

I didn’t write last night because it was so late. I worked late and when I got home Alex and Aron were here. We had dinner then watched the first DVD of Financial Peace University. I set them up with an account on Inzolo and showed them how to use it.

I also worked late tonight. I didn’t get home until 8:30. All the kids were in bed. I felt really bad about that. What I feel the worst about was that it was Nolan’s birthday today and I forgot to tell him happy birthday this morning 🙁

I feel out of balance right now because I am working so late. I have gotten used to walking out of my office at 5:00 and calling it a day. Now I generally don’t leave work until at least 5:30 and get home around 6:30. The past two nights have been even later because we are trying to get a lot done before our big conference that is being held in a week and a half. Rachel has been very supportive and understanding through it all though which I am so grateful for.

When I got home I did some work on the bathroom. I sanded & mudded the wall and grouted the tile on the floor. It’s now 11:15 and I’m finally off to bed!