Today on the way home I had the thought that I should get off on Redwood Road and drive home that way. I told myself no because that would add an extra 15 minutes time to my commute. Well, I believe that was a prompting from the Spirit because right after I passed the Redwood Road exit, I rounded the corner and found myself in stand-still traffic. There were 4 accidents on the freeway today which made things a slow mess. It ended up taking and...
Posts made in October, 2009
It was Rachel’s 30th birthday today. I paid my sister Melanie to draw a picture of the Mt. Timpanogus temple. It turned out great. I also got a Wii Fit for the kids to give to her. We were going to drive the canyon and make s’mores, but it got cold and windy right about the time I got home from work. So we ended up going out to Subzero for ice...
I took my laptop to church this morning to take notes in bishopric meeting and ward counsel. It was actually very helpful. I can type faster than I can write and it was easier to edit and organize my notes. It will also be easier to store and archive the minutes. Bishop was home quarantined today because his boy has the swine flu. I was email to email the minutes to him right after church. Leslie & her kids came over for dinner tonight. The...
This afternoon we decided to go hiking. We stopped by Ken’s house and invited him to go. We drove up to where I normally would go during lunches. I was kind of worried because it is a pretty steep hike for kids. Once we got there we quickly changed our minds. There were horse trailers EVERYWHERE. I have never seen it so crowded. We ended up driving up American Fork Canyon. We drove to Silver Lake and started from there. It was a much...
I took the day off work today. The kids had the day off for UEA weekend. It was Gracie’s birthday. We went down to Orem and ate dinner at a new place called Pirate’s Island. It’s a pirate themed restaurant with an arcade. Ken came down with us (Laura is in Boston right now). Leslie also came with her kids (Cade is hunting). The food wasn’t that great, but I didn’t expect it to be. It is generally an afterthought in...
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