I’ve had 5 people contact me reguarding job opportunities this week. Two were head hunters contact me about a Django position at Neutron Interactive. It actually sounds like a great opportunity with better pay and better benefits. The reason I didn’t bother looking into it though was because the commute is even farther and I want to see how this bonus structure plays out at SendOutCards.

Another inquery was a request from Google. That’s not really an option because I don’t want to move my family to Mountain View California.

This morning I talked to Dan. MSC is ready to sell out to his new company meaning he would gain control over all our old software. He threw out a few options such as working for them part time in my spare time up to a full time position where I would make more than I am now and even 25% ownership. There is still more to be done before he does get MSC, he just wanted to see if I was interested. I just told him to keep me posted.

Out of the blue today I got a call from Ryan. He was our main support guy at MSC. He left a week before I did to go work for Jordan School District. He was curious if I wanted a job there getting paid $84,000 per year.

It’s nice to feel wanted, especially when so many people are struggling and looking for work right now.