Last night Rachel and I talked about treating our children better. I suggested that we set a goal of not yelling. We’ve had similar talks before and it seems that when we do the Lord likes to try our commitment.

This evening Rachel went to the store to get a wedding gift for Sam. I was out mowing the lawn. Nolan went inside the house. When I went in to get him I found in covered in fingernail polish and it was all over our bathroom floor, cabinet and rug. I flipped out and threw him in his room and cleaned up the mess as best I could. The rug is ruined and the cabinet needs to be painted to fix it.

I then brought Nolan back outside with me and continued working in the yard. When I stopped to take a break I noticed he and Gracie were no longer outside. I went inside and Gracie had gotten into the fingernail polish. She and Nolan were in our bedroom. There was fingernail polish remover all over our bed and a spot of fingernail polish on our brand new beadspread that Rachel had just purchased (not cheaply) about 2 weeks ago. I really lost it and yelled and spanked Nolan and put him in bed. I also told Gracie to got to bed. The most frustrating part was that Gracie seemed to have instigated the problem the second time.

Eventually I settled down. I gave Gracie a hug and she clearly relieved and happy to be forgiven. Nolan fell asleep before I coiuld give him a hug. I feel badly for losing my temper so. I just knew that Rachel would be geatly upset because this is the second bedspread Nolan has ruined. The last we he wrote all over with a marker. I don’t like sending my kids to bed without them knowing that I love them. I just had to go into his room and kiss him on the cheek just to help me feel better.

So I guess I didn’t make my goal of not yelling, I’ll try again tomorrow.