I worked from home today so I could 1) sleep in a bit, 2) save gas & drive to my dr appointmen with Rachel and 3) leave here at 5:15 to play some softball games with Cade’s team in Orem. It’s nice that I have the privilege to work from home when I want or need to. Still, I think I prefer going in to work because I can generally get things done on faster there because of my computer be directly connected to the network.

My appointment when well. He said the CT scan looked good. There was a spot they noticed that was "invaginated" but that was likely due to the surgical proceedure. He was going to call Dr. Ott and have him look at it and just make sure it is something that is surgery related. He also said the new recommendation for Gleevec is 3 years instead of two. It just keeps going up. At first I was told one year. Now it’s 3. I guess its OK. I have good insurance to pay for it and the side effects are minimal (mostly diarhea).